About Menard County Illinois

Menard County was established in the winter of 1839 by action of the Illinois State Legislature, being one of three counties split off from Sangamon County. At the time, Abraham Lincoln was a Representative to the State Legislature and Chairman of the Committee on Counties. The bill to separate Menard from Sangamon was written and presented by Lincoln on January 16, 1839 and passed the legislature on February 15, 1839. The action defined the boundaries of Menard County and provided for an election on the first Monday in April 1839 to elect public officials and three county commissioners. Over one hundred sixty years later, on November 7, 2000 the voters passed the proposition to be represented by five commissioners elected from single member districts.

Menard County is located slightly west of the center of the state and contains approximately 314 square miles. Petersburg, the county seat, is about 20 miles northwest of Springfield. A large number of settlers from Southern states and European immigrants came to Menard County to farm. The county continues to be known for agriculture and its rural character, while also providing a diversity of residential living options, quality schools and a service-based economy that caters to area residents and businesses.

Menard County is a non-home rule county and governed by the Illinois County Code, Chapter 55 ILCS 5/1-1001, et. seq., and related acts. Menard County's government consists of thirteen departments, six elected officials, the judiciary and a five member County Board elected from single member districts.

In addition to the above general government activities, the County owns and operates a skilled care nursing home. Sunny Acres accepts private pay, Medicaid and Medicare patients. Countryside Estates, situated next door to Sunny Acres, opened in 2000 and is an independent living facility.


Please contact the Department Heads noting their contact information on their webpage.

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Elected Officials

Please contact the Elected Officials noting their contact information on their webpage.

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County Info

If you are seeking information that is not on the County website, please contact the County Coordinator at 217/632-4412.

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Contact Us

General contact for County business may be make by contacting the County Coordinator at 217/632-4412.

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Request for Proposal

Menard County, Illinois is currently accepting proposals for the replacement of building windows for the Menard County Courthouse Annex, 101 East Jefferson Street, Petersburg, Illinois 62675.


Menard County, Illinois

Menard County Courthouse Annex

Replacement Windows

101 East Jefferson Street

Petersburg, Illinois 62675

Bids shall be delivered in a sealed bid envelope to: Menard County Sheriff, 102 South Seventh Street, Petersburg, Illinois 62675 by 4:00 PM, Friday, April 4, 2025.

Bids will be opened at 4:00 PM on the due date by Menard County personnel. Discussion and possible award of the bid may occur at the meeting of the Menard County Board of Commissioners at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, April 8, 2025.

The project includes all work related to the ordering and installation of new replacement windows for the Menard County Courthouse Annex.

Successful bidder will be required to provide proof of insurance within ten (10) days after acceptance is issued by Menard County.

Menard County reserves the right to reject any or all bids and reserves the right to waive any irregularity in bidding which, in their considered opinion, is warranted. No bid shall be withdrawn for sixty (60) days after opening of bids without written consent of Menard County.

Questions regarding the Project, or the Bid, should be directed to Sheriff Mark Oller, 217/632-4458 or emailed to moller@menardcountyil.gov.

Emergency Numbers

To contact emergency services, please call "911" if possible. Otherwise, please see the non-emergency numbers listed below:

Athens 632-7700 636-8221 636-8729
Fancy Prairie 632-7700 566-3333 Sheriff: 632-2773
Greenview 632-7700 971-8767 968-7137
Oakford 632-7700 632-7784 Sheriff: 632-2273
Petersburg 632-7700 632-2349 632-2251
Non-Emergency: 632-7137
Tallula 632-7700 634-4312

Sheriff: 632-2273


Menard County Rural Residents 632-7700 632-7911

Sheriff: 632-2273

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